
Respect the rules of golf

We kindly request you to strictly apply the rules of golf of the R&A Golf Club of St Andrews, as well as the local rules of the club which govern the whole of our facilities, even during friendly games.

  • practice shots are not allowed on the tees.
  • players and/or their caddies must replace divots, repair pitch-marks and rake bunkers.
  • trolleys and buggies are not permitted on tees or around the edges of the greens.
  • Dogs are not allowed on our courses

Dress codes

  • blue jeans or similar materials are not permitted.
  • shorts and skirts are to be no more than one width of a score card above the knee.
  • t-shirts without collars are not permitted.

We thank you for helping us to combat slow play by following these few tips :

  • always have visual contact with the group in front, if you cannot see them means that you are probably playing TOO SLOW.
  • walk quickly between shots thinking of the club that you want to use for your next shot, then take the time to play.
  • when you're at the green, place your trolley or buggy in the direction of or near the next tee, never in front of the green, and clear the green quickly.
  • let the following group past if you are looking for a ball or have lost distance on the group in front.
  • write down your score on the next tee.